Visual Craft Stress the Importance of POP & POS Displays For Your Customers


Visual Craft’s industry leading expertise in creating POS and POP displays includes FSDU, light boxes, counter displays, window decals, floor graphics, custom made displays and bespoke items. Combining cost effective solutions with creative thinking, they can prototype, manufacture and handle logistics for the dispatch of POS and POP displays for clients throughout New Zealand and globally.

Both POP and POS displays’ function is to draw attention to your product and to any promotions or sales that you are running. POP displays usually take up floor space within the retailer, while POS displays are smaller and take up space near or on the checkout counter.

POP displays include shelf facings, specialized POP displays, and promotional material. Again, the point of purchase is where a buyer is considering purchasing a product, which precedes their actual decision as they head to the checkout counter. While the point of purchase includes facings on a home shelf, brands often associate POP with POP displays, which are targeted standalone displays that exist separately from a brand’s traditional aisle SKUs.

These displays usually occupy floor space throughout a retailer in the form of dump bins, standing displays, or clip strips. The main reason brands incorporate POP displays in their sales strategies is to increase the number of facings and their product’s presence in the store.

In addition to displays, we have POP promotional materials. These also occupy floor space in a store or could even exist on windows or walls. They usually take the form of signage and are a great way to raise awareness about promotions, new products, or specialty packaging.

POS displays are just as common as POP displays and serve a similar purpose: to draw the shopper’s attention to your product. The difference is that these displays will reside in or near a register. Think to your local grocery store and the cooler displays at the end of the checkout, the magazine racks next to the counter, and the confectionary displays you pass by as you complete your purchase. POS displays are great for pushing products that shoppers are likely to impulse buy rather than a planned purchase, so for more information on point of sale signage, sign manufacturing companies and point of sale display manufacturers please go to .


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