Eco Doors & Windows Explain Rigorous Testing of uPVC


Eco Doors & Windows’ uPVC products have proven to be long-lasting, having been rigorously tested to withstand the New Zealand sun. The product was subjected to 100 years’ worth of UV over two years and came out unchanged in any way. They are designed to last 40 to 45 years, proving that they are able to stand up to the New Zealand weather. 

New Zealand’s sometimes unpredictable weather can have a negative impact on building materials such as timber and aluminium, but uPVC is a highly durable material. It is used extensively all round the world due to its ability to withstand the most severe weather conditions. These windows have a hardened chemical makeup, making them tough, efficient and long-lasting. To ensure that you use the best quality uPVC, ask your window and door company if they use European uPVC. uPVC made in other countries can sometimes be substandard due to less rigorous testing methods. 

Good quality uPVC windows and doors easily withstand the hottest of summers, and they come manufactured and tested to ensure their UV resistance. This means that they won’t fade, peel or flake like painted timber will. Another plus is that they are also environmentally friendly, and are completely recyclable and sustainably produced.  

Another benefit of uPVC is that it doesn’t corrode. Other materials lose their structural integrity when exposed to wet, wind, and sun for long periods of time. There’s no such risk with uPVC − it just keeps lasting in the face of anything. 

Eco Doors & Windows advise that they are very low maintenance, needing simply a wash in warm soapy water with a soft cloth every three months if by the sea, and six monthly elsewhere. Regarding their moving parts, these should be lubricated on a regular basis, so for more information on Wellington windows and doors, double glazing Wellington and uPVC double glazed windows please go to .


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