Secondary school principals have labelled the rollout of laptops and modems for students “a disaster”. While many students at lower decile schools are yet to receive the much-needed kit, some higher decile schools are still receiving modems, even though their students have home internet connections.
But the real issue is for those at home who don’t have a device. “If the devices turn up too late then it will probably be a waste of money for the Government,” says Manurewa Intermediate deputy principal, Thomas Bartlett. “Hopefully they get out this week or early next week and for those students that are at home they can get on with their online learning.”
At the start of the Level 4 lockdown the Ministry of Education ordered 17,000 laptops for students. But because of international demand they were only able to send out 5338.
However, NZ Laptops say most people are not aware of the total cost of ownership for these devices. Up front purchase is just one aspect, but all too often the devices are damaged in young hands (when, not if) and with the increasing popularity of touchscreens, all too often this results in an uneconomical or unrepairable outcome.
Glenn Collins at NZ Laptops says, “Little is said by retailers at the time of purchase and families are walking in blind. It’s not till the device is broken and we explain that if the device was non-touch, or if you had purchased a slightly different model or brand with the same specs, the cost to repair would be a fraction of the original purchase price, not more – the end result is parents explain they wish they had this critical information at the time of purchase.”
Pre-sales information is crucial, and after explaining to customers those ‘what-if’ scenarios it’s very easy to demonstrate the value that high quality pre-selected refurbished laptops offer. With replacement chromebooks starting from $179 and higher end models less than half the cost of new, NZ Laptops lessen the burden and get families back up and running quickly and efficiently, so for more information on please go to .