Each year, during the winter months Ideal Electrical notice a spike in the search for and sale of lighting products, so they normally do a winter lighting special. So, this month they are staging a three-pronged promotion for their customers to benefit from. By going to their home page you can click on the banners at the top, informing you of this month’s promotions.
This month’s promotion consists of a weekly flash sale, https://www.ideal.co.nz/nzi/flash-sale the winter lighting credit and Ideal Electrical’s lighting clearance sale. The weekly flash sale consists of: Spend $100 on selected products to receive a Macdonald’s Big Mac voucher.
The winter lighting credit promotion is: Spend $500 on selected products and get a 10% account credit, and with the clearance sale, https://www.ideal.co.nz/nzi/search/?q=%252A%253Arelevance%253AbadgesFacet%253AClearance%252BItem&text=%=%252A&filter=&aliasname=&partialSearch=&facet=on# .they say, “Grab yourself a bargain while stocks last, with new products being loaded every day”.
Ideal Electrical’s 48 branches are in easy reach of all New Zealand cities and towns. From Whangarei in the North to Invercargill in the deep South they have branches manned by their friendly, knowledgeable staff to help you with your project.
To that end, they will always have the product you are looking for. With thousands of products, it’s very likely they will have exactly what you are looking for, and if not, they will do their very best to get it for you.
Whether your project is commercial, residential or industrial the Ideal Electrical team will go out of their way to look after you as their valued customer, so keep an eye out for their promotions, and for more information on industrial control equipment, electrical tools NZ and electrical hardware supplies please go to https://www.ideal.co.nz .