Tier4 For Your Business Continuity Package

IT companies

For many companies in New Zealand (and around the world), business continuity is not something that is focused on nearly enough, despite its importance, so how does your organisation handle information security? Do you have a designated individual who is responsible for outlining procedures and processes during the event of a threat? You can relieve the stress of dealing with such internal processes by working with a specialist New Zealand IT company such as Tier4, who work with a range of clients from small businesses to large enterprises to ensure that they are protecting their valuable data.

Tier4 focus on threats related to information security and data. Threats can be man-made, such as having a disgruntled employee leaking confidential information to your competitors. A threat can also be technical related such as a viruses, malware or hackers attacking your system.

Business Continuity is the capability and ability of an organisation to deliver its products and services following a disruptive incident. Tier4’s Business Continuity Suite allows you to continue your business operations with minimum disruption when an unforeseen accident occurs. The Tier4 Continuity Services ensures that your business is fully protected from threats, backed up for security, and makes sure your systems are up-to-date with the latest upgrades and software patches.

The Tier4 Business Continuity Package covers five areas, starting with remote monitoring, which includes monitoring and resolving IT vulnerabilities immediately so that they don’t become bigger problems down the line. Secondly, their continuous back-up service ensures all your computer data is automatically synced and saved to ensure workplace activity is protected at all times.

Next up is offsite backup, which is a unique service that Tier4 offers. An offsite back-up is an up-to-date copy of your organisation’s data. This is highly useful for restoring your systems when a virus infects your network, and their full security suite works to give you the utmost protection from spam, ransomware and all the latest malicious programs and threats that can harm your business.

Last, but not least Tier4 use a Network Firewall Monitoring system to identify and respond to any potential security threats before they harm your business.

Book a consultation today with one of Tier4’s IT specialists today and they will find a tailored fit IT solution for you, and for more information on IT companies, IT solutions and Auckland IT companies please go to https://tier4.co.nz .


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